#TheEvangelistAttorney #CallRawsiWilliams
It's My PURPOSE to Fight for Your Justice. God called me to this fight, and I am Not Afraid.
Ms. Williams enrolled in Law School after her brother's incarceration. He is the Only Son of five children. Previously, she had over 20 years health care experience beginning in the Army and is still a Registered Nurse. Attorney Williams practices in Federal, Administrative, Appellate, and State courts. She has also been admitted pro hac vice in federal court in TX and GA, and consults/of counsel/co-counsel for Attorneys nationwide. Her federal cases include civil rights, employment, education/schools, and discrimination cases. This includes suing police for excessive force and wrongful death, federal government employers (e.g., U.S.D.A., V.A., DOD), private companies/stores such as Gucci and Helzberg for discrimination, private and public employers including Microsoft, county and city employers, representing union members, for discrimination, Title IX, civil rights violations, IEP/ADA/504 violations, due process hearings, discipline against student-athletes, and more. She also brings over a decade of experience practicing criminal defense and family law. In Administrative law she has successfully represented many professional licensees (nurses, teachers, health care facilities) and student-athletes against the government and its agencies, licensure boards, and athletic governing boards including the Florida High School Athletic Association. Attorney Rawsi Williams is NOT afraid to fight for her clients!
Attorney Williams has a stellar track record winning for her clients, and is one of only four Attorneys in the last forty years to have beat the FL High School Athletic Assoc. in court representing student-athletes. She's successfully taken on Microsoft, School Boards, Police, and more. She is not afraid. To date, she still uses her Nursing expertise to represent health care licensees and facilities in licensure trouble and to consult/train those facilities. Further, she is a nationally sought-after Keynote Speaker and Consultant, recently speaking at The University of Michigan -- Flint on "The Application of Titles VI and IX" to colleges and their students. Her work has been featured on ABC, NBC, FOX, CBS, USA Today, The Grio, WOAK1380AM. She and her Team bring over 100 years of combined Trial and Appellate experience, including in the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals for federal cases. Most importantly, Attorney Williams knows her Call from God in the Fight for Justice, and is NOT Afraid to upset the apple cart to fight for You! She recently won a $2,000,000 verdict for her clients in a federal police brutality case in FT Myers after Charlotte County Sheriff's Deputy Aaron Williams deployed excessive force and broke Mrs. Sandra Corbin's leg. This is one of the highest jury verdicts ever in Florida in a pure police brutality civil rights/federal 1983 case!
- Ms. Williams also has the honor of being the first female Ranger in Tuskegee University's Army ROTC history
- Attorney
- Registered Nurse (R.N.)
- Minister
- All Florida State Courts
- U.S. District Court, Southern District of Florida
- U.S. District Court,, Middle District of Florida
- U.S. District Court, Northern District of Florida (pending)
- U.S. District Court, Western District of Texas (pro hac)
- U.S. District Court, Georgia Northern District (pro hac)
- U.S. 11th Circuit Court of Appeals
- U.S. Army
- Tuskegee University
- FAMU College of Law
- Florida Board of Nursing CEU Provider 50-5264
- D.C. Board of Nursing CEU Provider: 50-5264
- New Mexico Board of Nursing CEU Provider 50-5264
- West Virginia Board of Nursing CEU Provider 50-5264
- FL Assisted Living Facility (ALF) Core Trainer 013
- FL Adult Family Care Home (AFCH) Core Trainer 013 (Ms. Williams is Florida's ONLY Attorney who is also a Certified ALF Administrator, and state-approved ALF and AFCH Core Trainer)
- American Heart Association First Aid/CPR/AED Instructor Certified ALF Administrator
- Approved Alzheimer's Level I, II Provider
- Certified Long-Term Care Quality/Risk Specialist Exclusive Author: Long-Term Care Legal Nurse Consultant (CLCLNC) Certification (held annually)
RECENT TELEVISED/PUBLICIZED CASES (see cases on our "High Profile Cases" page):
- #JusticeForAntwonCooper (police brutality/killed by police)
- #JusticeForRiou (civil rights/police brutality/excessive force/false arrest of retired Army Veteran and Nurse)
- #JusticeForLJV (student-athlete wrongfully disciplined by FL High School Athletic Association)
- #JusticeForJaQuylaJones (middle-school 12YO student wrongfully arrested at school)
- #JusticeForLittleAmaria (elementary 7YO student assaulted by a Teacher)
- #JusticeForJayquan (middle school student choked by a teacher)
- #JusticeForSandraAndJohn (civil rights/police brutality/excessive force/false arrest: senior citizen falsely arrested by a police officer in Port Charlotte County who broke her leg with one kick)
- #JusticeForKaniyah (High school student choked by Asst. Principal)
- #JusticeForCalvinWilks (Civil Rights/police brutality/excessive force/false arrest: killed in police custody)
- Winning Representation seen on ABC, NBC, FOX, CBS, WOAKAtlanta, The Grio, USA Today, The Miami New Times, and more
- 2024 Co-Chair: Civil Rights Committee, Wilkie D. Ferguson, Jr., Bar Association
- 2023 Advisor: University of Miami School of Law Civil Rights Roundtable
- 2022 Honoree: University of Miami Lawyer In Leadership in Civil Rights
- 2022 Presenter. University of Michigan -- Flint: United Student Government Conference (conference of SGA leaders from all 15 public colleges and universities in the state of Michigan) "The Application of Titles VI and IX to Colleges and Universities"
- 2021 Community Activist Woman of the Year award
- 2021 National Lawyer Of Distinction in Civil Litigation
- 2021 Keynote Speaker: FL Assoc. Directors of Nursing Administrator's (F.A.D.O.N.A.) Annual Conference
- Past Chairperson, National Bar Association's Administrative Law Section
- Current Co-Chair: Civil Rights Committee, Willkie D. Ferguson, Jr., Bar Association
- Letters of Appreciation: Miami-Dade Public Defender's office. (Ms. Williams has represented multiple of the Public Defender's clients pro bono and never lost a case.)
- 2020: Speaker, Pasco County NAACP Freedom Fund Gala
- 2020: Honored by the American Nurses Association for encouraging published quote to Nurses:
- 2020: American Nurse's Association Honor: Ms. Williams' quote used for encouragement to Nurses working on the front line during COVID-192019 "Human Rights Advocate of the Year" (Zeta Phi Beta, Inc. Ms. Williams is not a member and was greatly humbled by this honor.)
- 2018: Presenter, ST Louis, MO: Church Of God In Christ Holy Convocation Law Day
- 2017: Presiding Judge, Mock Trial Competition, American Assoc. For Justice Regional Law School Competition
- 2017: Florida Bar Speaker's Bureau Presentation, American Academy of Professional Coders, ST Augustine
- 2016-15: Chairperson, National Bar Association Administrative Law Section
- 2015: FL Bar Faculty Presenter and Panel Moderator: Annual Health Law Ethics/ Fundamentals Conference
- 2012: Commencement Speaker, FAMU College of Law