#Justice4Jayquan #DelandMiddleSchool
UPDATE: FEDERAL LAWSUIT COMING JANUARY 2022! The required waiting period in Florida to file suit expires mid--January!
White teacher Mr. Matthew Cindric at #DelandMiddleSchool (FL) #CHOKED a black kid (Jayquan) for SEVERAL feet across the schoolyard (lifting him off the ground) IN FRONT OF OTHER CHILDREN after a white kid attacked the black kid, forcing the black kid to defend himself because the School refused to intervene when the black kid reported to the School THE DAY BEFORE that the white threatened to attack him. The School just let the white kid carry out his threat the next day. Notice how reassuring and protective Mr. Cindric is to the white kid (the aggressor) versus how he treats the black kid (the victim) whom he puts in a chokehold and won't let go even with students yelling #HesAboutToPassOut! It took another male teacher intervening before Mr. Cindric would let Jayquan go. After our nation's children just dealing with the trauma of watching an officer choke George Floyd to death, surely this TEACHER should have known better. And the School not only hid the tape and the choking from Jayquan's mother, but refused to even discipline Mr. Cindric! Jayquan had problems eating for days, still has neck pain, suffered a broken hand which was placed in a cast and pins implanted, and is in counseling! He is afraid of this Teacher. This is a KID! CALL the Volusia County Schools Supt. Mr. Ronald "Scott" Fritz (386-734-7190 x 20210) and demand Mr. Matthew Cindric be fired! And see more of what YOU can do to help using the one-click buttons below, including donating to Jayquans GoFundMe to help pay for his counseling because he lives with his Mom and Grandmother, who are both socioeconomically disadvantaged.
2) Deland Middle School and the Volusia County School Board refused to even discipline teacher Mr. Matthew Cindric after their "investigation."
3) They also concealed the video for MONTHS of Mr. Cindric choking this kid Jayquan, refusing to even let Jayquan's Mom see it despite multiple requests.
4) Thankfully, another student recorded some footage on her cellphone, and it was provided to the family (see below).
We had to file in Court for the School to release the video. The School then stated they'd show it to the Mom, but even that was a ruse.
5) When we arrived to see the video, with Attorney Rawsi driving four hours ONE WAY from Miami to Deland, all they showed was an approximately one-minute CLIP they'd cut from the full video, refused to show the entire footage, refused to zoom in or out, or for their Legal Counsel to talk with Attorney Williams or approve the Security Chief to zoom in or show the full footage. They cut off the video where it showed another male teacher running to intervene while Mr. Cindric was at that point still choking Jayquan. Mind you, this was not the same spot where Mr. Cindric STARTED choking Jayquan. You see, Mr. Cindric did not stay in one place. He choked Jayquan across the school yard for several feet.
6) Despite their video and written witness statements, the School refused to discipline Mr. Cindric.
7) Please know we have no issue with the middle-school white kid. He too is just a kid. We put the accountability where it belongs.
8) And Jayquan himself comes from a troubled home, in which his mother has been incarcerated many times.
He and his Mom live with his grandmother. This kid has had a bad road in life.
But THIS time, he tried to do the right thing.
THIS time he went to School officials beforehand and reported the threat.
And the result......he got put in a chokehold by a full grown white male teacher who choked him several feet across the courtyard in front of other kids, until another male teacher made him let Jayquan go. This cannot happen again....not one more kid
9) We wonder if Mr. Cindric would have just continued choking Jayquan until Jayquan did pass out if the other adult male teacher had not intervened? After all, the cries of the children to him weren't enough to stop him.
Watch The Footage below, and then use the One-Click buttons below to Call the Officials and Demand Mr. Matthew Cindric be fired!
Next time he could be choking your kid. Tell them you want this Teacher out of there! #JusticeForJayquan #NotOneMoreKidChokedByATeacher!
5) CLICK TO SIGN the Change.org petition to have Teacher Mr. Matthew CIndric fired!