#Justice4Kaniya #DelandHighSchool
ANOTHER student choked by an Educator/Administrator in the Volusia County public school system in Deland! Our office already represents middle-school student Jayquan Hightower, choked by a male teacher in early 2021. In that case the school hid the video footage from the parnt, but thankfully another student captured it on cellphone video (see that case on our High Profile Cases page). Then, despite having notice and video footage of that incident, Volusia County Schools had yet another incident caught on cellphone video by a student when an ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL choked this high school girl, Kaniya Smiley!
Video: Asst. Principal choking student Kaniya
And What Can YOU Do To Help?
3) CLICK TO SIGN the Change.org petition to have Asst. Principal LaShawn Troutman fired!